Acting Tips

  • Acting Tips

    Back2One Mobile App

    Movie Star Marketer This is my contribution to an entertainment industry.   I created this app for fellow background actors, inspiring actors, actors, CD, PA and whomever that works in an entertainment industry that needed to commute from one studio to another studio.One location to another location daily. We know how often we go to the location but we still forget how to get there. What was the address of the studio, again?  Will it be much easier if we can save the studio address and location and just one click away to drive to the location? It’s not perfect yet but it saves you time to search for the…

  • Acting Tips

    13 Guides for Creating Your Demo Reel

      This week, our Backstage Experts answer a question many readers wanted to be addressed: How should I approach the creation of a demo reel (particularly when I’m from a theater background and don’t have as many film credits under my belt)? Our Experts were excited to share their thoughts on this one, as many of them agreed on one thing: No reel is better than a bad reel. But let’s expand on that! Here are several answers from industry professionals spanning different areas of this business to give you some perspective! Wondering what this column is all about? Backstage Experts Answer takes your questions and brings them to our…